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Hey There Amazing Entrepreneur!

Ever catch yourself juggling more than you can handle, playing hide-and-seek with focus, and maybe engaging in a not-so-friendly dance off with self-sabotage?


Do you get to the summer each year and wish you had completed more projects ahead of time so you can spend more time enjoying the beautiful weather?


Picture this – a life and business where you're the boss of clarity, the captain of productivity, and the superhero ending self-sabotage once and for all. We're talking about mapping out plans like a pro, staying focused without the drama, and expanding your comfort zone with a side of swagger and sass.


Imagine a solution that's like your personal success GPS – guiding you with wit and wisdom, making the journey a joyride instead of a rollercoaster.


Drumroll, please!


Enter me (I say in parenthesis) and my new group program-

EPIC Accountability (EPIC -Entrepreneur Productivity Implementation Circle), where you'll get clear on your desire and the steps necessary to get you there, map out a plan for progress, stay on the success track, push those comfort zone boundaries, and bid farewell to self-sabotage.


It's like your personal success mixtape – but better.

EPIC is NOT a membership or a course,
or a program. 



EPIC Accountability is an opportunity to show up for yourself as an entrepreneur and do the things you’ve promised yourself you would do.


Your time in EPIC will be spent mapping out your project, planning and tracking your progress, showing up to work in a community alongside others who have also committed to their own project, and being accountable to a coach/ teacher who will support you in staying on your path, getting unstuck, and creating steady momentum. 


These are all skills and habits to carry with you throughout your entrepreneurial journey.


Think of it as a mixtape of your favorite memberships, coaching programs, and networking events but with more 1:1 access, regular accountability and a space created specifically for implementation.


During the our four months together you will:

Map out your vision for your project 

Create your plan of actions (big and small) to arrive at your final product

Work to implement your plan of actions in our coworking workshops and weekly accountability check ins

Learn how to plan and track your progress weekly

Implement strategies to overcome  and avoid self-sabotage



During the first week in our community, I will hold a live training to help you map out the vision for your project. What is it, what it means to you, what you expect from it, what you want it to look like,  feel like, what steps are required, and how you want to feel working on it.


Next I’ll provide you with the progress and transformation planners I created and we’ll talk about how to begin implementing success habits in your daily routines to build a strong foundation for productivity, consistency, and adaptability. 


Accountability and Support


You’ll begin communicating through weekly check-ins sharing how you felt about your progress the week before, issues/obstacles you may have dealt with, and what you have planned to continue to make progress for the current week. 


There will be three 90 minute coworking sessions scheduled each month to provide you with designated time to work alongside others who are on this journey of becoming more productive and disciplined in their business growth.  


You will also have access to our FB community where you can hang with other entrepreneurs, cheer each other on, share ideas and encourage each other to grow, make connections with other like minded people on this lonely entrepreneurial path, and maybe even make a business bestie or two!

Image by Vonecia Carswell

Throughout the entire four months you will be surrounded by support, productivity, implementation, and accountability-
the perfect recipe for a badass entrepreneur.

It’s time to get some ish done! I was tired from years of starting and stopping and starting over again in my business. I was all over the place with all the different ideas, projects and THINGS that I had to do in addition to all the things I love to do, but have to put on hold because well…I’m turning my passion into a BUSINESS.


Today's the day, my friend! The stars have aligned, the universe is cheering you on, and I’ve got the secret sauce to transform your overwhelm into a victory dance.


EPIC Accountability is all about doing the things. 

Pick one of those things, one that has been on your list for a long time, one you truly want to get done, a project that will make a huge difference in who you are and where you’re at as an entrepreneur and person. Then take advantage of the support and accountability in a space that was created to nurture your growth.


Nurture with:

-Regular coworking sessions

-Weekly check-ins and troubleshooting

-Optional Voxer/Messenger support and coaching calls


Join EPIC and check some things off your list!

Hi, I’m Anjannette,-Certified Life Coach and Educator with a certificate in Women’s Entrepreneurship.

 I’ve been teaching and coaching others how to get out of their own way and get the hard things done in one form or another for 29 years. Nothing frustrates me more than seeing someone not utilizing their potential due to self-sabotage or the lack of  strength in their success skills- you know, the good habits that accomplished people use every day to consistently arrive at the amazing things and places they set out to achieve.   


I turned this frustration into a passion for helping women of all ages realize their true potential and ability to create the life they desire. Genius, right? But when I attempted to turn this passion into a business, the real struggle began. Entrepreneurship can be very lonely, especially in the beginning. You don’t know what you don’t know. Sometimes you feel like you don’t know what you DO know. There are so many things to be done, fun stuff, interesting stuff, and really crappy “I don’t want to do this” stuff. 


So there I was-, one of those people who had to get the eff out of her own way and realize my potential. I was pissed. I was angry because I knew I could do it, but at the same time, I was the one holding myself back. No matter how accomplished I become, there are still some instances where only outside accountability will help.  


There are some things you’ll say you’re gonna do over and over again- but don’t. And they’re not the things that you really “don’t” want to do, because they keep coming back. You can’t shake them. That is not about not wanting it enough (like some people will tell you), it’s about getting support and building a strong foundation of success habits and skills.


 So that’s what I began to focus on, and now it’s time to share with others. 


I want to help entrepreneurs continue to grow (or at least get started enough to try), to show up consistently,  and to be productive at a pace that allows you to constantly move forward without feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or sacrificing all the people and things that you love.


I want to help others learn how to get ish done in business and in life in a way that moves with them at their pace and feels good, because WHY do this if you’re miserable?


That’s why I’ve created this program- to provide you with the space, community, accountability and support we all need.

Ready to get things done in 2024? 

Here’s what’s included in the program in two tiers.
(Early bird pricing ends March 31
, 2024 at midnight)


(early bird by 3/31)
After 3/31

Break down your project into weekly steps between April 5 & July 3rd


Weekly progress planning and transformation tracking


Coworking 3 times a month


E-check in weekly (via email, fill in a form or answer questions, you reply)


Pre Recorded Trainings 


FB Community 

The Remix

(early bird by 3/31)
After 3/31

Break down your project into weekly steps between April 5 & July 3rd


Weekly progress planning and transformation tracking


Coworking 3 times a month


E-check in weekly (via email, fill in a form or answer questions, you reply)


Pre Recorded Trainings 


FB Community 


Coaching on demand  (Voxer or FB Msger)


Two 30-min coaching sessions



​Isn’t it time you stop telling yourself that you’re “going” to get it done?


You aren’t, and you know it - not alone.


You’ve tried and no matter how amazing, accomplished, and capable you are- you need  some planning, some push, some accountability, some space to DO what you've GOT to do. 


I can provide that for you. I’ll even add in a good kick in the behind if you’re like me, and never “get it” until you HAVE to “get it.”


Still not sure? See where you fit below.


This program is for you if:


  • Despite being amazing and accomplished, there are just some things you haven’t been able to get done

  • You’d like to get your project done by June so you can enjoy your summer. 

  • You are tired of spinning your wheels when it comes to making progress on your projects and goals..

  • You will benefit from the support of creating your path to progress, personalized troubleshooting, and community support  with optional live and Voxer/FB messenger coaching. 

  • Accountability is a motivator for you.


This program is NOT for you if:

  • You require extra support for your project based on specific knowledge of the project (i.e. how to create the podcast, funnel, course, etc.)

  • You don’t want to show up and do the work. 

  • You like having a lot to do in the summer.


These are just some of the things you can FINALLY get done when you join.


  • Create that personality quiz you’ve been wanting to make for your next lead gen

  • Complete and implement that self paced program you bought last year, but still haven’t started.

  • Put together that amazing course you’ve created in your mind over and over, but never put out for sale

  • Write and plan your content for the second half of the year

  • Put together the deliverables for your membership or programs you're launching this summer or fall. 

  • Start that course you’ve been eying for the last year to move you into your next, higher position.

Ready to make 2024 the year you trade overwhelm for over-the-top success?

Click below to get things done and feel good while doing it!


How many people will be in the program? I am opening up space for up to 20 people and know that you will get my attention in the program and get the results you are after.

What types of projects can I work on? I am opening up space for up to 20 people and know that you will get my attention in the program and get the results you are after.

What support will I get from you? When the program starts, I will provide the group with a project mapping session and training on how to use the provided resources to monitor your progress. These sessions will be recorded and remain in the group for your reference. In EPIC level 1, you will have access to me in the Facebook Community and through weekly check in emails and follow ups, and coworking sessions. In EPIC level 2, you will have the above access plus two 30 minute coaching sessions to use any time during the program in addition to Voxer or FB Messenger access weekdays. At all levels I will walk you through project mapping, provide you with tools for progress planning and transformation tracking (while showing you how to use them), connect with you weekly through email check in forms and troubleshooting, hold three coworking sessions a month, and provide you with tips on defeating and avoiding self-sabotage.

How much time should I set aside for this? In the initial week you will have two live trainings approximately 2 hours each to map out your project and learn how to use the tools provided for you. I will also be holding three 90 minute coworking sessions each month. Any supplemental pre-recorded trainings I provide will be under 20 minutes and available to watch at any time. To get the best results from you and this program, each week you should plan to spend 15-30 minutes planning for the next week’s progress and reflecting on your progress from the previous week using the tools provided.

What if I fall behind? Things happen, but the main purpose of the program is to help you get past the things that are causing you to fall behind (the things you can control, of course). So if you fall behind, I would encourage you to share that with me in our weekly check-ins so I can help you work through it as best as I can. If you purchase the version of the program with personal coaching, we can absolutely use that time to dig to the heart of the matter and get you back on track.

Can I really complete my project in 12 weeks? Yes, you can. Of course this depends on how big of a project you choose and how often you show up for yourself to work on it, whether it’s coworking sessions, weekly progress planning and check-ins, and getting support from the circle and me.

Can I choose more than one project? In order to ensure you get the most from this program and the results you desire, I ask that you focus on one project. Should you complete that project before the program ends, we can absolutely discuss you starting another using the recordings provided from the initial trainings to get you started on the right foot.

When do we get started? We officially start on Friday, April 5.

When does the program end? The last day of the program will be July 26

If I have more questions how can I contact you? You can email me at or you can send me a message via Facebook messenger

Guarantee/refund policy There are no refunds past the first 7 days. We know you want us to hold your feet to the fire and we will, but you have to do your part too. That’s why we don’t offer refunds past the 7 days.

If you have any questions please let me know by contacting me at

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